NKMB Worship
Our worship services are approximately 60-75 minutes long and always includes worship through music as well as applicable teaching from the Bible.
We believe that there are many expressions of worship, and desire that our services reflect this. You can expect a mix of contemporary and traditional music in our services as well as occasional other artistic expressions such as dance. We typically take communion together on the last Sunday of the month.
Our calling and purpose is to dwell in the presence of God through worship, not only during our Sunday service, but in our everyday lives. It is what we were created to do. Whether we are leading worship on stage with a guitar, running sound, or programming lights, our goal as a worship ministry is to make Jesus known. We trust that through our worship, people would be drawn into a more intimate, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

We believe worship is much more than just the songs we sing on Sunday morning — it’s our heartfelt response to what God has done in our lives through Jesus, and we want to celebrate that together! Our Worship Ministries Team includes the following key areas:
- Worship Band
- Production
- Scripture Readers/Communicators
- Creative Arts
If you are musical and would like to be part of the music ministry here at NKMB, we would be so excited to find a place for you. It is a fun, challenging, and rewarding ministry. If God has gifted you with musical ability, we want you to be able to use it for His glory! This is a somewhat complex ministry with many moving parts. So for your advantage, and that of the worship ministry as a whole, there is a short process to become a part of the music ministry team.