Victor Neufeld

Lead Pastor

Victor has been serving as the lead and primary teaching pastor of NKMB since 2008. He spends a lot of time preparing sermons, giving biblical counselling and attending all kinds of church planning meetings (not his favourite part of the job!). On his off time he dabbles in computer programming and design trajectories and 3D parts for an orbital simulator. He enjoys all things that fly, from birds to RC airplanes to NASA spacecraft. He loves theology, physics and Jesus (in reverse order!).

Paulhans Funk

Pastor of German Ministry

Paulhans is our German ministry pastor and also serves in our care and visitation ministry. He loves to connect with people and in his free time he enjoys spending time with family and friends and sometimes going fishing.

Ben Harapiak

Pastor of Youth & Young Adults

Serving on staff at NKMB since 2009, Ben provides pastoral care for our youth and young adults. In his free time, he can be generally be found training in or teaching Okinawan karate, playing various stringed instruments, or striving to brew the perfect home espresso.

Tanya Boge

Women's Ministry

Tanya works in our Adult Ministries, with a focus on Women and Small Groups as well as taking on a Staff Administrative role.  When Tanya’s not working she loves to spend time with her family, knitting and reading.


Justin Buhler

Production & Communications

Justin oversees communications and service programming, leveraging media and technology to bring creativity and excellence to our worship gatherings. When Justin isn't working away in Photoshop he enjoys playing board games with his wife, watching films, and exploring the Manitoban countryside on his ATV.


Cathy Rempel

Worship & Summer Camps

Cathy oversees worship programming, helping craft our Sunday services with a team of gifted and skilled musicians. Cathy also coordinates and directs our summer camps. Cathy really enjoys working with the amazing youth and young adults who help run these camps. Cathy loves spending time with her family and going on lots of trips (When she can actually get away!)!


Cindy King

Office Administrator

Cindy works in the office and endeavors to keep the calendar and the databases up to date. When she's not working, she's at home with her family or crafting.


Mark Werner

Children's Ministry Director

Mark oversees the kids ministries here at NKMB. Whether it be midweek kids clubs, Sunday morning programs, or camps, Mark loves to see our kids serve God, the church and the community in so many different ways. He is an active person who loves sports, traveling, cabin life, is totally into woodworking and has a big heart for people.


Caroline Ratzlaff

Youth Program Assistant / Camp Supervisor

Caroline leads our summer staff team. She has a desire to help teens find their identity in Christ. In her free time she enjoys climbing, camping and hiking.