About myNKMB Youth

MY stands for Middle Years, grades 6-8, but it also represents belonging and ownership. Church should be a home away from home for our students and we build our program to encourage this! myNKMB is an intentional mix of relationship building, bible study & teaching, and fun. While many activities will take place as a large group, there is also time set aside for our youth to connect with their small groups of boys or girls in the same grade along with their adult leaders.

Mid-Week Programming

myNKMB takes place on Tuesday evenings from September to early June, and for special events during the summer months. Please see a detailed schedule below.

Café 1315 Sunday Mornings

All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join us in the youth room Sunday mornings between the two worship services (approximately 10:15am – 11am) from September – May. This is an informal gathering time just for them and hot chocolate/snacks will be served.


Annual registration is required to attend NKMB Youth events. Registered families will be added to our parent information email list.

2024/25 Registration – HERE

Upcoming Events

Tuesday March 11th – myTuesday

Join us for games, worship, teaching, & small group bible study as we continue our “Jesus Said…” teaching series with Mark 10:45.  7pm – 9pm at NKMB, enter at Door 7.

Tuesday March 18th -TBA

More information coming soon!

Tuesday March 25th – Small Groups

Small group information will be emailed to all registered youth families.

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